IFRB 2024/12 IASB publishes Exposure Draft Provisions - Targeted Improvements

IFRB 2024/12 IASB publishes Exposure Draft Provisions - Targeted Improvements

BDO has published IFRB 2024/12 IASB publishes Exposure Draft Provisions - Targeted Improvements (Proposed Amendments to IAS 37).
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published Exposure Draft Provisions - Targeted Improvements (Proposed Amendments to IAS 37) in November 2024. The Exposure Draft proposes targeted improvements to IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. The proposed amendments may significantly affect entities that currently apply IFRIC 21 in situations where levies are charged if an entity takes two or more specific actions. The proposed amendments also affect the costs to be included in the measurement of provisions and the discount rate to be used for determining the present value of provisions.
BDO’s IFR Bulletin 2024/12 provides a snapshot of the proposals along with a brief background of the proposals and illustrative examples.