EC releases FAQs on CSRD implementation

EC releases FAQs on CSRD implementation

The EU Commission (EC) has released frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
The frequently asked questions take into consideration input obtained from companies and include issues such as scope, application dates, and exemptions.
The FAQs are grouped by the following areas:
  • Sustainability reporting requirements introduced by the CSRD
  • Sustainability information to be reported under Articles 19a/29a of the Accounting Directive
  • Sustainability information reported under Article 40a of the Accounting Directive
  • Assurance of sustainability reporting
  • Key intangible resources
  • Requirements for third-country entities
  • Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
The FAQs are issued in addition to the ESRS Q&A technical explanations and the ESRS implementation guidance released by EFRAG. 
Access to the FAQ document is available here.