GRI and TNFD release interoperability mapping resource

GRI and TNFD release interoperability mapping resource

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) have released a guidance document and a mapping table showing where the TNFD recommendations and GRI standards are aligned. As mentioned in the press release, the document underlines a high degree of alignment between the two frameworks which is supported by the following:
  • Both frameworks have consistent nature-related concepts and definitions
  • Incorporation of GRI's impact-focused materiality concept in the TNFD recommendations and guidance
  • All disclosures of GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 are part of the TNFD recommendations
  • All disclosures in the TNFD recommendations are reflected in GRI 101, except for those that exclusively cover nature-related risk and opportunity identification and assessment
  • TNFD core global disclosure metrics and related metrics in the GRI standards have strong consistency
  • The TNFD LEAP (locate - assess - evaluate - prepare) approach is referenced in GRI 101
  • GRI 101 applies the TNFD definitions and criteria when considering an entity's location in or near ecologically sensitive areas
Access to the documents is available here.