IASB proposes updates to IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024

IASB proposes updates to IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024

The IASB has proposed updates to the IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024 to reflect the following new and amended IFRS Accounting Standards:
  • IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures, which was issued in May 2024;
  • Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments, which amended IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures and was issued in May 2024; and
  • Annual Improvements to IFRS Accounting Standards—Volume 11, which was issued in July 2024.
The proposed update may be accessed here. Comments may be submitted by 28 October 2024.