June 2024 IASB and joint IASB-FASB Update available

June 2024 IASB and joint IASB-FASB Update available

The IASB met on 19-20 June 2024. In addition, the IASB held a joint meeting with the FASB on 21 June 2024. Updates from the meetings are now available.
The topics discussed in the IASB meeting were:
  • IASB work plan update
  • Research and standard-setting
    • Dynamic Risk Management
    • Post-implementation Review of IFRS 16 Leases
    • Pollutant Pricing Mechanisms
    • Equity Method
    • Management Commentary
  • Maintenance and consistent application
    • Provisions—Targeted Improvements
Members discussed the post-implementation reviews of revenue standards and leases standards in the joint IASB-FASB meeting.
The Updates may be accessed here.