Meeting notes from July 2024 ISSB meeting in Montreal

Meeting notes from July 2024 ISSB meeting in Montreal

During the ISSB meeting in Montreal on 24-25 July 2024 in Montreal, the following topics were discussed:
  • Supporting implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. Specifically, the ISSB received an update on the Transition Implementation Group on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 meeting held on 13 June 2024, where the followings two agenda papers were discussed by TIG members, which included the following questions:
(a) application of the requirement in paragraph B50 of IFRS S1 to revise preceding period estimated amounts when estimates of current period information are based on prior period information from an entity in its value chain; and
(b) application of paragraph 70 of IFRS S1 on disclosing of comparative information on a consolidated basis when there has been a change in the composition of the reporting entity, such as the acquisition or disposal of a subsidiary.
  • Work plan in relation to embedding interoperability in the ISSB’s ongoing activities as well as in relation to the design and approach for the new research projects on biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services, and human capital.
  • Maintenance of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards. The ISSB decisions was to use a phased approach and to start preparing exposure drafts of enhancements to all eight SASB standards in the extractives and minerals processing sector, the electric utilities and power generators SASB standard in the infrastructure sector, and given the ISSB and its stakeholders has the capacity, three SASB standards in the food and beverage sector. The ISSB will further consider making targeted amendments to other SASB standards to make sure measurement of common topics stays consistent among industries, where appropriate. In addition, the ISSB decided to research priorities for the second phase of the project and how to enhance the Sustainable Industry Classification System.
Meeting summary can be accessed here.