Stakeholder event on transition plan disclosures: Developing IFRS guidance for IFRS S2 compliance

Stakeholder event on transition plan disclosures: Developing IFRS guidance for IFRS S2 compliance

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) recently hosted an event to discuss developing an IFRS guidance document to support the application of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures, focusing on transition plans. The event aimed to gather stakeholder input to enhance the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) materials and explore ways to reduce cost and complexity for preparers. Stakeholders supported the guidance document, emphasising the need for additional examples and the omission of normative or jurisdiction-specific aspects. They also suggested tools like templates and resources for small and medium entities and highlighted the benefits of using the guidance document as a baseline for jurisdictional customisation. The distinction between transition planning and disclosures about transition plans was also clarified.
The next steps include drafting and publishing the IFRS guidance document by Q2 2025 and continuing engagement with stakeholders, including corporate preparers.
More details are in available in the summary report.