Sustainability assurance standard is due to be delivered by IAASB in September 2024

Sustainability assurance standard is due to be delivered by IAASB in September 2024

The International Audit and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) Vice-Chair, Josephine Jackson, gave progress report on ISSA 5000, an ambitious project to develop a globally-accepted overarching standard for sustainability assurance.
Speaking at ICAEW’s recent Audit and Assurance conference, Josephine Jackson mentioned the IAASB was on track to approve the standard in September 2024. However, as a critical message received from stakeholders was the need for educational materials and illustrative examples to bring practical application of the standard to life, a first-time implementation guide will for the first time be released at the same time as the standard.
The standard, which will supersede ISAE 3410 (the standard for assurance engagements on greenhouse gas statements) for all sustainability-related engagements, will address limited assurance and reasonable assurance engagements.
More details are available in the article at this link.