TNFD releases new sector guidance

TNFD releases new sector guidance

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has released its first set of Additional Sector Guidance covering eight real economy sectors and Additional Guidance for Financial Institutions and Additional Guidance on Value Chains. This sector guidance includes recommended sector-specific metrics for disclosure in line with the TNFD disclose recommendations published in September 2023.   
The sector guidance covers the following real economy sectors:
  • Aquaculture
  • Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals 
  • Chemicals 
  • Electric Utilities and Power Generators 
  • Food and Agriculture 
  • Forestry and Paper 
  • Metals and Mining 
  • Oil and Gas 
The Additional Guidance for Financial Institutions includes guidance on the TNFD recommended disclosures and disclosure metrics for banks, re/insurance companies, asset managers and owners, and development finance institutions. 
The Additional Guidance on Value Chains details how organisations can approach analysis of their upstream and downstream value chains. 
The guidance may be accessed here.